How Much a Brand Marketer Should Invest in Video Production

Riley Whisler
How Much a Brand Marketer Should Invest in Video Production

Video production has become an essential aspect of modern brand marketing, with consumers demanding more and more video content from their favorite brands. But how much should a brand marketer invest in video production? In this blog post, we’ll explore the factors that determine the cost of video production, and provide guidelines for how much a brand marketer should invest.

Budgeting for Video Production

The cost of video production can vary widely, depending on the type of video, the complexity of the project, and the quality of the production crew. However, as a general rule, a brand marketer should budget between 10% and 20% of their overall marketing budget for video production.

The Purpose of the Video

The purpose of the video is another key factor that determines the cost of video production. For example, a product demo video is likely to be less expensive than a brand story video that requires multiple locations, actors, and special effects. When budgeting for video production, it's important to consider the purpose of the video and what is required to achieve the desired outcome.

Quality of Equipment and Crew

The quality of equipment and crew is another key factor that determines the cost of video production. High-end equipment and a highly skilled crew will result in a higher quality video, but also a higher cost. For most brands, a balance between quality and cost is necessary, and it's important to invest in equipment and crew that meet your budget and quality requirements.

Length of the Video

The length of the video is another key factor that determines the cost of video production. Shorter videos are less expensive to produce, but longer videos can provide more opportunities for storytelling, and can be more effective in promoting your brand.

Location and Logistics

The location and logistics of a video production can also impact the cost. Filming in a studio is typically less expensive than filming on location, but location shoots can offer unique visual opportunities and add an extra layer of production value to the video.

In conclusion, the cost of video production can vary widely, but as a general rule, a brand marketer should budget between 10% and 20% of their overall marketing budget for video production. By considering the purpose of the video, quality of equipment and crew, length of the video, and location and logistics, you can ensure that you are investing in a video that meets your budget and quality requirements.

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